Aaron has autism. He was diagnosed when he was four.  Now he is in his late thirties. Aaron’s family, Clyde, Paula, Aiden and Levi, have supported him his whole life.

Originally from Melbourne, Australia, the family moved to London in the UK in 2010, to be closer to where their second son Aiden was working. They returned to Melbourne where Clyde works as a management consultant and Paula manages Aaron and the rest of the family.

In the style of the 7-Up series, this film Aaron Has Autism tells the story of Aaron’s life since he was six until today. It also portrays the family that supports him – parents Paula and Clyde, and his brothers Aiden and Levi.

Since autism is a developmental disorder this film is significant since little is known about how people with autism develop and grow over their lives. It provides an answer an important question asked by every parent who has a child with autism – what does the future hold, for the child and the family?

For more information, go to: http://www.aaronhasautism.com